PTSD can disrupt your entire life: your work, your relationships, your health, and your enjoyment of everyday activities. Problems with drug or alcohol use. Friends and family may not understand what your loved one has experienced and how it is affecting them. They may be upset that their loved one hasn't been able to resolve their trauma.
They may be angry and upset because of the irritability and behaviors that a person with PTSD exhibits. PTSD can affect relationships with employers and make it difficult to maintain employment due to irritability, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, and depression. People with post-traumatic stress disorder often don't disclose their condition to employers because of the stigma associated with mental health disorders. They may have recurring thoughts, flashbacks, or vivid nightmares in which they relive the traumatic experience.
This can cause strong physical and emotional reactions, such as sweating, anxiety, heart palpitations, or panic. The symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder can be debilitating and can include extreme fear and anxiety, nightmares and memories, and uncontrollable thoughts about the traumatic event. Anxiety and its complications can significantly affect a person's physical and mental health. Anxiety can create physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, bowel problems, tiredness, and hyperventilation.
These symptoms can have long-term effects on a person's physical health because the brain releases stress hormones in response to perceived danger. People with post-traumatic stress disorder who go through social isolation tend to stop socializing altogether. They often reject the help and advice of friends and family, and sometimes they dismiss the idea of participating in society. People with post-traumatic stress disorder may experience chronic pain¹ This pain can act as a reminder of the traumatic experience and make PTSD symptoms even worse.
There is a common link between post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain. Many people with chronic pain suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder due to the incident or accident that caused the injury. The guilt that develops through these thoughts can cause the person to develop mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Psychotherapy and medications are the best treatments for C-PTSD.
Medications can be used to reduce symptoms of C-PTSD, such as depression or anxiety. The long-term effects of PTSD can cause significant stress on a person's physical and emotional well-being, including their cardiovascular system. Getting support from friends and family is important and can help reduce stress and prevent PTSD symptoms from worsening. This article explores the evidence on the delayed effects of traumatic stress and its cumulative burden on psychological and physical health.
This growing body of literature suggests that the effects of traumatic stress should be considered as a major environmental challenge that jeopardizes the physical and psychological health of people alike. The association between PTSD and a range of physical conditions emphasizes that the effects of traumatic stress are far reaching.